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Backed by phenomenal core gameplay, Mind Control Delete does almost nothing interesting with its new roguelite setting. The new addition of hacks and cores add a little bit of variety but ultimately are to no avail. Roguelikes/lites generally consist of randomized levels and weapons, to always keep the player engaged and unprepared for each and every one. Mind Control Delete does this, to an extent. You are given randomized levels for each node, but the actual content itself is still the same. Enemy variation will still be different, but with how much you'll be playing these 25 levels, you eventually learn the layouts enough that it kind of gets boring. The third main section of the game introduces a new enemy type, a random dude who follows you around that can't be killed. It... really is not fun playing with these enemies. The most enjoyable aspect of this game is pulling off the most insane ways to kill red dudes coming at you because you can control time for some reason. It's like a dance, and these new enemies just ruin it. Luckily, you can sometimes get through an entire level without seeing them, but then you start to question why they're here in the first place. This new encounter coming in right about when the game starts to get stale does not help this either, despite being made to do the exact opposite. Then you have the final section, which... proceeds to take away all of your progression. I understand that this is meant to fit with the meta story and whatnot, but it just completely kills the only thing keeping the game from being completely boring at this point, that being the cores and hacks. Mind Control Delete is a prime example of ludonarrative harmony working against the enjoyment of the game. Normally, this would be something I could easily forgive if the plot was any decent(hell NieR Replicant is one of my favorite games of all time), but it's just bad. The entire game is about you being addicted to Superhot, but the ironic thing is that by the end of it all, you'll just want it to be over already.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2022

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2 years ago