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December 9, 2023

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This review contains spoilers

Having liked the first two Spider-man games that Insomniac and Sony released, I was really looking forward to this one. While the game started out super strong, I feel that as it went on, the seams started to show and there were some very questionable decisions about the story and progression in the game that I just don’t get. By the end, I felt the game was bloated and the story was all over the place.

I was really into this game for the first few weeks. I would play a little bit of it every other night or so (as I don’t have the time to marathon games like I used to), but as they kept piling villains and story on top of the foundation, it really lost me. I ended up taking a 2 month break from it because I was honestly bored by it. I finally came back to it and spent about a week finishing it up and I have to say, the end left me feeling a bit empty.

The big draw in Spider-man 2 is that you can bounce between both Peter Parker and Mile Morales. Both have stories you play though and the main story moves back and forth between them. It’s great that they included both and they each have their own move sets and personalities, so it can be refreshing to play as one for a while and then move over to the other. They even team up with each other some times.

While I enjoyed this, I really expected more team ups from Peter and Miles. There were so many missions where they were working alone. I couldn’t help but think, why isn’t the other one helping right now? There was always a convenient reason why they weren’t both there at the same time that felt very contrived. It was also fun when the other spider-man would show up during a city mission to help take out some bad guys, but this only happen a couple times for me. I’m not sure why?

I do want to say this game is beautiful! I got to play it 4k at 60+ fps on the PS5 and WOW! I love the environment, the first time swinging and flying through the air in New York, I was wide eyed and loving it. The cutscenes and close ups if the main characters look amazing too! I will say that the city's inhabitants were not always so detailed and part of the city look a little shabby but that is the sacrifice you make to run 60+ fps at 4k.

Controlling this game is amazing… for the most part. Swinging and gliding around New York is a blast! Fighting is a lot of fun at first and the action is top notch. Fast traveling in this game also sets the standard for fast traveling in gaming as it’s an instantaneous experience! You select a place on the map and within seconds you’re there swinging. But as the game goes on, a lot of that core feeling gets lost in the shuffle in favor of constantly bolting on new abilities and repetitive fights.

As you keep playing the game, you keep unlocking new abilities and moves. While this is really fun at first, maybe this is a me thing, but I feel like there are just too many by the end. If you look at the menu where you unlock abilities, the amount of things you can do is staggering. While each spider-man has their own unlocks, the button combinations between all the combined moves is a lot to think about while fighting enemies. The fighting and moves can be deep, but to me it felt overwhelming.

Let’s say you grab an enemy, you have a handful of options for what you can do with them once you unlock all the abilities and the same is applied to all the other options. While this is deep and I’m sure rewarding for other gamers who crave this, but it’s difficult for me to remember all of these options and button combos. Because of this, I end up doing the wrong thing a lot and getting punished for it.

There is also a heavy focus on perfect dodging and countering in this game that I did not enjoy a whole lot. Some dodging and countering is fine, but there are times where I think they overdo it. Mainly because there were a handful of times I felt that the enemies were stun locking me because I did not dodge or counter the way the game wanted me to.

There are some areas that just do not feel great for combat. Until you start becoming more comfortable with the zipping around and staying in the air to fight, you will have trouble with these areas and it can be a little frustrating.

There are also some traversal moves while fighting that just don’t seem to work some times. I remember distinctly a battle where the enemies were on two levels and I could not for the life of me get Spider-man to zip over to the enemies like I had done a million times before. He just wouldn’t lock on to the correct enemy or not see them. Then I would get hit and get frustrated thinking “Why is this not working? It was working fine in the last fight!” It feels glitchy and unresponsive in a game where you expect instant responsiveness and sudden mistakes, whether due to player error or game issues, can be very punishing.

The game itself is more glitchy than I feel most big reviewers lead us to believe. I have seen some objects that stay floating around after, say, a crate is destroyed. You’ll see a barrel that was on top of the crate just floating there. I’ve also seen certain buildings where each window show you the exact same person before it. I honestly saw an apartment area where there were 4-5 or the same person on the same floor and I was not only scared by this but it took me out of the experience. I’ve also dealt with a couple crashes while playing, which I have no idea why but that is annoying when you’re in the middle of something and the game just up and crashes for some reason.

My first experience with a glitch in the game got me while fighting the sandman, which is literally in the first 10-15 minutes of the game. This was a monumental boss fight, and super fun. However, at a certain point, I could not progress because the button prompt to continue into the next phase would not show! I must’ve swung at him 30 times only to find that I needed to die to reload the checkpoint and then the button prompt would appear.

Despite that one issue, I think this boss fight was the highlight of the whole game and set the rest of the boss fights in the game up to look and feel lackluster in comparison.

The boss fights are just plain not fun. There are some highlights in some of them but for the most part, they all play the same way and can be frustrating when your moves or abilities are ignored, which seemed to happen a lot during the Kraven fights for some reason. Also, each boss fight doesn’t give you enough room to swing and dodge it seems. I would get caught up on geometry a lot when I was dodging or swinging. Also, the camera during boss battles isn’t exactly the best, so you can’t see you’re going to run into something until it happens and then when you do, the camera is up in your face and you can’t see the enemies or attacks coming at you.

The game takes the control away from the player constantly too. So a lot of sections of the game are scripted as -- Fight dudes, watch cut scene, swing for a minute, fight dudes, cutscene, fight dudes, maybe there is a unique piece of gameplay like running through a building, cutscene, fight dudes… and it continuously goes on like this. It pushed me to get really tired of the fighting in the game. It seems like every instance where there is a break of some kind, they just throw in a crop of enemies for you to take out. Because of this, the fighting got tedious.

Especially when the symbiotes are introduced. Too much health, too many abilities to use, so much dodging and parrying. The symbiote nests are basically just much more powerful enemies you have to fight in waves while a timer ticks down. They’re much more powerful and annoying to deal with. There are several of these symbiote nests to take care of around the city. I did all but like 2 or 3 of them in the game before moving on. They were challenging and I got a little bored of doing them, so I continued the main story and then you know what the game did? It gave me an upgrade that helps me do more damage to the symbiotes. My jaw just about dropped. This wouldn’t have been useful to the player who just finished all of the nests!

Which leads us to the final boss of Venom, whom I found so annoying to deal with, I put the game all the way down to the easiest mode (where you can’t die) and finished him off that way. I was so disappointed to have to finish the game that way because I played the whole game on the normal mode until then, but I was so irritated by that point of dealing with this annoying boss whom I couldn’t seem to get a grasp on, I had to switch it. I had almost switched it earlier during the bell fight with Kraven but I managed to squeak that one out.

Now a lot of what I mentioned above can be forgiven in certain instances. While a lot of it is annoying, some of it is meant for challenge. However, what can’t be forgiven are some of the story and character choices in the game. There are some things that had me scratching my head or even talking out loud to myself saying “What? Really?”

NOTE: Below are story beats, so don't read any more if you don't want spoilers:

Let’s start with Mary Jane. To change things up, they put in a couple stealth section with Mary Jane where she sneaks into the Hunters hideout to rescue someone. In the first one, the scenario is believable up until she takes an arrow to the shoulder with tranquilizer in it. She’s not a super hero right? How was she able to push through the tranquilizer dart AND the arrow to the shoulder and somehow stay awake and able to take dudes out? I’m not sure most normal people would be able to continue after that.

Furthermore, having her stealth around with a stun gun makes total sense because she’s not a superhero. However, seeing her kick the crap out of a hunter henchman with her lady loafers on is kind of ridiculous, especially after taking a tranquillizer dart.

Characters reactions to things happening within the game some times did not feel real. No one ever reacted like you would in real life to crazy things happening. It’s really odd. For example, I’m a little annoyed that Peter’s friend Harry isn’t more surprised that Peter is spider-man. He finds out and is just kind of like, “oh, you’re him?” And they move on. Really weird. If I found out my best friend was Spider-man, I would flip out!

And once they find out that Harry has powers too, Harry gets involved in this huge scene where he automatically knows how to fight and leap around as good as spider-man can. Which is odd considering spider-man has been doing it for a while, he had to learn all of this stuff, but this guy can just show up and he knows what to do?

There is a scene where Miles as Spider-man is helping a student ask his boyfriend out to a homecoming dance. I did this side quest when some really important stuff was going on in the game. This felt forced into the game and very corny. Doesn’t Spider-man have way more important things to do?

Mr. Negative is suddenly a nice guy again. Why? Because Miles decided not to kill him for killing his father? It’s so sudden, I don’t really get it.

At the Kraven bell fight, Kraven gets out of Spider-man crushing him with the symbiote tentacles by biting one of them? Wtf? What kind of teeth does Kraven have? And then they also just let him run off. Like???

The amount of times Peter Parker says “meet cute” is more than I’ve heard in my life. I didn’t even know what that was until this game. Who says that?

During the scene where Venom is turning Mary Jane into the Scream lady, Venom goes to attack Peter and Mary Jane dives in front of him. WHY!? SHE HAS NO POWERS! What is she thinking? Then Peter is just looking at Venom and says “Don’t…” as Venom pulls her over to him but Peter doesn’t do a thing about it. Like, dude, you’re spider-man get in there and save your girl!

Miles shows up with a new suit towards the end of the game out of nowhere. Was he just suddenly making this suit? Where did it come from? When did he have time to make it? It would’ve made a better side quest for him to do than some of these dumb side things they have in the game, where he is maybe collecting pieces for the suit? I found out later it was a promotion thing to sell some Adidas shoes. The shoes he is wearing in the game are/were available at one point in real life and because he is wearing these new shoes, he wanted a suit to match them I guess. Stupid. When did he have time to buy them?

The last mission of the game they have this plan to have venom chase spiderman through the city -- Sounds EXCITING! And Miles is going to take out all the symbiotes that are at the entrance -- Exciting! Instead, they’re like, hey, here, do another Mary Jane part with the stun gun… what on earth? Luckily this part was just a run and stun section, no stealthing around but whose idea was it to be like, yea let’s do Mary Janes part first. This also would’ve been a great bonding mission for Mary Kane and Miles, where Miles could’ve been in there helping her while you controlled Mary Jane. I guess instead he stayed outside and distracted the Symbiotes... but still. More team ups please!

Then shortly after that, Mary Jane is riding her motorbike and crashing through a window with it. This felt like they were REALLY trying to make her as awesome as spider-man but for me, it doesn’t work. She’s just this small, lady journalist. I know it’s supposed to be action shlock but it takes me out the experience a bit.

At the end of the game, Peter Parker just gets to be himself for a bit, so does that mean the next game will just be Miles? Why is Peter Parker wanting to be himself? Because Mary Jane doesn’t like him being spiderman? It would’ve made more sense to have Peter and Mary Jane allude to the fact they’re going to plan their wedding or something and he needs a break. This portion of the story lead almost nowhere.

But through the whole game, Peter keeps doubting himself saying that the city doesn’t need him anymore (this felt more like he was fishing for compliments than actual self doubt) and Miles can do it. So I assume they’re setting the next game up to be only Miles? But why? What’s the point? They already did a Miles Morales game! I was Spider-man 3 to have 3 heroes this time? Maybe ad Spider Gwen in there?

The characters are constantly second guessing themselves in this one too. “Why didn’t I ask Pete about that thing? I’m such a bad friend!” or “Why haven’t I checked in with MJ, I’m a monster!” It’s like, jeeze, way to be over dramatic about everything.

The story feels all over the place with all the villains too. You fight off Sandman, and Kraven, and Lizard, and Mister Negative, and Mysterio, and Kraven again, then eventually you fight venom, but you also fight a character called Scream (which is just Mary Jane as a symbiote and it only last one mission). I'm not even mentioning all of the side villains that the game is hinting at introducing in a sequel. Typically in comics, a story arc will involve a couple villains but because there are so many villains in this game, it really feels like they’re putting together 3 story arcs in one. It's too much! For some, this might be a bonus, but to me it feels really disjointed and I lost track of everyone’s motivation. This also felt like they bloated experience a bit. I'd rather a good, deep story with a couple villains than introducing a new one every 2 missions.

The oddest thing is Sandman is never heard from again after you defeat him. You have this amazing fight with him at the very start of the game and he has some collectibles that you can get but honestly, it felt so flat. It would’ve been great had he come back to help you fight venom or something at the end. You know, like he was a new, reformed man. Even Mr. Negative didn’t come back to help much and he’s a good guy now? I don’t understand the character arcs in this one. They just wanted to add villains for the sake of it and then were like “What do we do now?” and everyone shrugged.

I could keep going on about story stuff but I think you get the message. I think this game could’ve benefitted and been more focused if it was just a bit longer than the Miles Morales game. Instead of 18 or so hours, maybe 12-14 hours. Leave us wanting more. Cut out a villain or 2. Tighten up those story pieces and characters. Cut out a few unlockable abilities. Tighten the combat up a little. Personally, I want quality not quantity.

Despite the game being gorgeous and doing a lot of things right, this game just didn’t click with me as we got about halfway through it. I feel the first game and Miles Morales are better experiences. I think they just tried to cram too much in here and the game really suffers for it.