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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 23, 2023

First played

May 14, 2023

Platforms Played


This is the first Ratchet and Clank where I actually cared about the story and I'm interested to see where they're taking it with the next one. Also, graphically, I think this is the most gorgeous 3D platformer ever created!

While this is Ratchet and Clank through and through, I'm not sure it's the series at it's best? In presentation and fidelity, it definitely is. However, I almost felt like the Remake from 2016 felt better in a gameplay sense?

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's still a fun game but I feel like most fights were the same where I would throw out a couple Fungi's and a sprinkler and kind of just do some support and clean up in the back. It felt easy to cheese at times.

Also, enemies seemed to repeat a lot more throughout this game than in the 2016 remake. I felt like I fought the same enemies and boss types A LOT through out my play through. It kind of felt like "Oh, these guys again" a lot.

Despite that, the game does offer a lot of variety. Lots of extra mini game type stuff like riding the speedle, the virus tank missions and Clanks puzzle areas... I really appreciated the variety and how it broke up the main game. If this game was ONLY the shooting portion, I'm not sure I would've liked it as much.

There was another issue I had where I was on a certain level trying to mop up all the collectibles but I was having a hard time accessing certain parts. I wasn't aware that later in the game, these areas "officially" opened up and I could explore them to finish the level then. I wish they put something up, even like a little character to be say "Hey Rivet, we're all good here!" Or "Hey it's under construction over here" something to tip the player off that they can't go there just yet.

I also want to point out that the rumbling and feedback on the PS5 controller needs to be experienced in this game, it really does take it to another level. The feeling of some of the weapons with the controller was something I was not expecting and really enjoyed.

So, while this game may be a bit prettier than the 2016 remake, offer some variety with the gameplay and have a really cool "rumble experience" I do feel like the weapons and gunplay were maybe a half step back. I don't feel bad putting this game at the same rating as the 2016 remake because I think they're equals in certain regards.

However, I can't wait to see what they do in the next sequel because I think that they are going to absolutely nail it. At least, I hope!