Ravenlok 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 10, 2023

First played

May 6, 2023

Platforms Played


The game is a love letter to Alice in wonderland. A girl gets sucked through a mirror and goes on a dangerous, action adventure through a wonderland inspired world with lots of boss fights and a cool art style. It’s a fun and quick game, good for newcomers or someone looking for a light game to playthrough.

🎮 For gameplay, you’re getting an action RPG of sorts where you hack and slash your way through enemies and earn XP and abilities along the way. Swinging your sword almost feels a little janky as you can stun lock most regular enemies just by spamming the attack button. I will say, despite this, it’s fun to have a game that feels old school in the sense that you aren’t animation locked when you attack. You can spam that sword as much as you want! You’ll also get a few abilities that you can use on your adventure and they’re actually pretty helpful… maybe too helpful?

🧀 There are lots of boss fights but most of them can be won the same cheesy way. You can run away from them, use your ice spell ability, maybe go in for a couple hits and repeat until done. Rarely are the boss fights configured any differently. There are a couple boss fights that add phases and change it up but not many. Run, ice spell, hit 2-3 times, repeat.

☝️ If you do find you’re having trouble, you could also grind out levels to easily destroy everything but it’s not really all that necessary as long as you remember to upgrade after boss fights and grabbing the heart emblems.

🎥 The worst part of the boss fights, and something grinding can’t help with, is you don’t have full control of the camera. You can swing it about 60% left and right but if most bosses get too close to the front of the stage where the camera is located, you can’t swing it around to see where the boss actually is. The boss basically disappears from view. Very Annoying! If you want to see the boss, you have to lure it away from the front and risk being hit because you can’t see where it is or what it’s doing. This was a very odd design decision.

🎨 The art style is unique as it’s a mix of voxel and regular 3d geometry. Most of the actual character models are voxel style but are plastered with vibrant colors and textures, giving the game a bright and fun feel. This might sound like a nitpick but the main girls face never seems to change and because of that, it’s a bit creepy. Also, she is wearing some jean shorts with pockets and the pockets stretch down as she runs and it looks very unnatural and strange. Because the camera is aimed behind her the whole time, this was hard to ignore.

😹 As far as characters go, the main girl is… a girl. The dialog from her is always so polite and milk toast that I found it unnecessary to read as there was no personality. Finn the white rabbit is really the closest you’ll get to a friend or a recurring character. There are a lot of strange and fun characters throughout the game but you don’t get to spend too much time with them, so it’s hard to form too much of a relationship with any of them. There’s also no voice acting, so it’s not like they’ll stand out with a unique voice either.

🏁 While there are a few annoyances within the game, I had a fun time with it. This game is really meant to just be a quick, throwback adventure that you don’t think too much about. If I had to guess, I probably spent 4-5 hours in it and I got all the achievements. I think if any longer though, then it might’ve overstayed it’s welcome.