Toem 2021

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 20, 2023

First played

July 18, 2023

Platforms Played


This is a very cute and cozy little game that focuses on taking pictures of tons of different things to finish quests. This adventure has an amazing vibe to it with fun characters and silly situations that's definitely worth your time.

The game loop is very simple. You show up to an area, you scope it out, except quests, take photos to trigger the quest or turn them in to who requested it and then gain enough stamps to move on to the next area. Venturing into a new area is super fun, discovering all of the inhabitants and watching everything unfold is a joy.

You'll do quests for ghosts and bugs and campers and all kinds of characters. That truly is where the game shines because the writing for everyone is really fun and it's all in the name of just having a good time.

Though cozy, the developer designed the game in such a way that, yes, you can VERY EASILY finish the game but for those who are completionists, there are a lot of interesting quests and approaches to taking photos that will have you scratching your head a bit. It's less about solving puzzles and more about solving riddles, so for some quests, you will be experimenting a lot. This can be a blessing and a curse because there were definitely a couple quests where I felt super smart for figuring it out but others where I had to look it up as I knew there was no way I would figure out what the vague quest text was getting at. And it ended up, yea, there was no way I would've figured that out.

The only other faults I can give the game is that, at times, the camera view feels awkward. I guess you can chalk this up to 3d world issues, but the camera just controls strangely in certain areas, and I didn't feel like I could always see everything I needed to. Maybe that was the point?

I also found myself hitting the wrong buttons a lot. I'm not sure if it was the layout or the flow of button presses but I would constantly hit the menu button when I wanted to take a photo. I was also hitting the wrong button a lot to select an ability while in camera mode. It wasn't a huge hassle but it happened enough that I noticed it was a strange phenomenon.

Despite those small things, this is an awesome one to check out!