The game is a quality, casual, point-click-and-find game but who is the psycho that is traveling through time putting these cats in these elaborate puzzles? I hope they do a sequel.

This is a good ,pixelized 2d platformer that I had 4 hours of fun with. Don't be fooled though, this is not a metroidvania.

I'm not sure you can consider this a metroidvania game as the progression is linear. The game gives you a false sense of genre when it starts because it feels VERY Metroid, but as you go, you realize there is only one path forward and no open exploration. I mean, you can explore a bit in the beginning, but there is no real reason to (no secrets).

As of launch week, the game does have a few bugs here and there. Falling through platforms and odd physics stuff popped up now and then but very rarely.

The AI is absolutely dumb. None of the enemies were a challenge, even the bosses were super easy.

The game doesn't ramp up true challenge until the last half of it. You spend the first half collecting abilities with mild challenge and then you spend the 2nd half navigating much more treacherous areas with all your abilities.

I wish the GMO/Pokemon characters were the abilities that you collect instead of just collecting equipment. The GMO seemed very tacked in for no other reason than just to collect them.

Much of this is nit picky except for maybe the AI stuff. Looking forward to the sequel!

Overall, a decent little indie title with cute characters and a nice story that deals with imposter syndrome. However, the black and white aesthetic is tough on the eyes and coloring everything doesn't help all that much. The zelda/over-top perspective of the game also becomes an issue when the game demands you start platforming and makes some of the traversing aggravating. The controls mixed with the boss battles, especially with a controller, were also a bit annoying. I wanted to like this more than I did, but here we are. Reading some of the other reviews, I wonder if I was playing the same game?