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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 12, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I can't really hide that I actually decided to try this game for one reason mostly: the mechs. The designs of both Jehuty and Anubis, and most of the other mechas' tbf, is simply phenomenal, really sleek, very futuristic looking and I love the Egyptian theme they decided for them. The game proved to be an action gem, with very fluid movement, fun combat and a lot of options. I couldn't really ask anything more. I didn't play the first game, but it was easy enough to get the context for everything that was happening, and the plot itself was decent. The game is really short, sadly, and for those 4 hours or so, you basically go through different combat scenarios, with some changes here and there to keep the interest up. It's a game that I kinda wish I could see getting modernized, as despite the beautiful artstyle and the nice combat, it definitely is a bit aged as far as the general structure and level design go. Really nice port as well.