One of the best RPG's. Incredible voice talent accompanied by an intriguing narritive and 3D spacial determined combat with lots of options in themselves.

The only thing holding it back is a lack of full optimization, relegated to it simply being a byproduct of it's time. (alongside the company doing this on the verge of falling apart)

Nice diablo-like game with a diverse cast of characters. There's really nothing like it nowadays, at least with the more active ARPG type combat rather than your RTS type of gameplay you get with most diablo-like.

It feels however like they shy'd away from more complex combat options or due to limitation within the system, avoided them. Due to that, combat can feel monotone and class skills flat out boring or samey.

An upmost beatiful and detailed pixel artstyle alongside the promise of an engaging MMO diablo-like was what this game was and what I'll remember it as.

It unfortunately wasn't anything more than that. It is a cautionary tale of lack of funding, as well as poor team management resulting in the failure & abandonment of an incredible game.

A really fun modern metroidvania. Somewhat short due to being the jam version, but the movement is top notch in terms of fluidness. It emulates a great atmosphere in it's world with the graphics in conjuction with the music akin to games like King's field.

[fun fact some of the enemies like the eyed-gears and winged eggs are actually heavily similar to Shadow Tower monsters]

It's not that fun to play and there isn't enough content to justify the journey. The roleplaying & visual aspects of this game are what I mostly adore out of it, and why I very rarely come back to it.

Look past those and your time is best spent on any game that specializes more in either of those features. (There's also the kickstarter issues & worker explotation remarks on top of it)

It's weird that this is one of the most endearing, accesible and fun versus games out there.

I'm so mad this game was left to rot in a perpetual alpha-like state. I hope one day something with similar art direction and ambience arrives.

Masterful in it's craft from an auditory standpoint to a graphical one. Puzzles are satisfying to resolve and early ones come down to testing your cartography skills.

The progression however can be a bit slow due to the small amount of resources given at times. And a lack of full customization from an individual character standpoint degrades it for me, since games like Wizardry 8 have shown that even, player made characters can still retain personality and truly interact with their world.