Elden Ring is one of the greatest games ever made, the pinnacle of FromSoft's game design, and it will be a timeless classic for years to come.

You see the iconic FromSoftware ambiguous story with extremely deep lore for players to dive into if they are so inclined. Although the main story isn't as well written as some of the Souls games, it features some of the best quests the company has made. But as always, for people more focused on gameplay it can almost be completely ignored.

The gameplay is absolutely fantastic, with amazing boss design, great depth to combat, and absolutely stellar exploration. The wonder you feel when discovering a new area is unparalleled. Not only are the open areas a fun time to explore, but the more linear dungeon sections still have the great level design FromSoft has become known for.

The artistic style of Elden Ring is also a masterpiece. The game world looks like a watercolor painting and the OST makes for some extremely climactic boss fights. The intro music is so iconic that I won't forget it anytime soon.

Elden Ring is also a game that you can play for countless hours and never get tired of. Not only is the initial playthrough long enough to warrant the $60 price tag, but there is new game+, PVP, and many different builds and weapons within the builds for you to try out. All of this depth makes Elden Ring a highly replayable game.

Overall, Elden Ring is my current favorite game of all time and I find it hard to imagine anything dethroning it soon. I would recommend this to anyone as long as they can get past the high difficulty curve for new players. (100 / 100)

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
