I picked this up from YT where it was presented as kind of "2-D soulslike". Not so. It has parry and dodge, but otherwise this is a classic Beat 'em Up style game, set in China.

It has a pretty solid and deep combat system, but most of the time the number of enemies coming at you are so plenty you have to rely on the "crowd control attacks", because there's no time to focus on just one enemy. And each enemy takes an enormous amount of hits, even on easy. I guess this is the reason for including skill trees (nine of them, one for each attack) because I don't see myself completing this game without these power-ups.

Not bad, but not memorable either. Had I research the game a bit further, knowing it was a Beat 'em up with brawler/hack&slash elements I would not have picked it up.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2024
