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I have so much to say about this game and how much I adore it.

Literally everything in this game is an improvement over the first game. The stories, the characters, the structure, the combat, the visuals, the music and the connectivity. The only thing that was a slight downgrade in my opinion was the difficulty. The maps being larger means more random encounters and more exp.

All (but 1) of the characters I love (the exception I still really like though) and choosing a favourite is tough, unlike the first where I only really grew attached to a few characters really says something. Also my favourite character and the one I became most attached to (first game btw), was Mattias. An antagonist.

*spoilers for the final chapter

The stories aren’t anything special, they’ve been done in other games, but they’re all really good and compelling in there own way except Ochette’s which was kinda meh. But when they all come together for the eternal night it’s beyond satisfying. And having the final boss be 2 phases where in the second half you use ALL EIGHT TRAVELERS AT THE SAME TIME it’s so fucking amazing and it’s a really challenging fight and I love this game so much.

I can go on forever about this game. I’ve not even mentioned the soundtrack or how it’s one of 2 games to make me cry. This game is almost perfect. Now every game I play next will be disappointing in comparison. Oh well.

Anyway here’s my character ranking (will definitely change over time):

8: Hikari 7: Throné 6: Osvald 5: Ochette 4: Partitio 3: Castti 2: Agnea 1: Temenos

And the stories:

8: Ochette
7: uhhh
6: ummmmm
5: I don’t know
4: they’re all good
3: maybe…
2: not sure…
1: Castti