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It's a pretty fun yet simple and easy game. If it weren't for the music I'd probably not be nearly as interested in checking it out, but I'm glad to have! They've got some fun distractions from the main story in Cosmospheres and Crafting, and having a bunch of banter between the reyvateils helps kinda form a connection with them, but also damn is there quite a bit of stuff in this game that just makes me roll my eyes or fully tune it out like Misha repeatedly making extremely bad jokes about the MC/Jack liking "little girls" more and shit like that. It's prevalent enough that despite the fact I'd probably enjoy her path more I went down Aurica's route (and ended up choosing neither anyways). When it's not focused around dialogue aimed at the average 2000s anime fan, it's pretty standard stuff but it gets the job done. I think from the end of Phase 2 to the end of the game is where it really comes together for me!

Unfortunately as well this game is so easy it's almost annoying that it has such a unique combat system. When I'm forced to engage with it, I love building up the harmonics gauge to try and max out my drops from a fight, but the thing is you're never really ever at risk of dying in this game. Even when I was doing the bad ending which is just do the final boss way earlier than you're supposed to I still managed to scrape by only using a couple of my aoe revive + large heal items and just attacking with good harmonics. I love the customization options with enhancements, but there's no real reason to ever install on reyvateils cause you're either using the infinite use basic song to build up, the heal + revive songs if something gets dicey, the buffs if you want to speed kill, or your strongest summon (which is really easy to max a cosmosphere and get the highest level song since dive points eventually become irrelevant) and they're all plenty strong at base level. Also I managed to get Lyner to 9999 attack at the cost of 1 defense by the end of the game which made the final boss actually die before she got to attack like 3 times.

Overall, it is a pretty charming game, I think it's cute (when it's not hitting me with epic otaku humor) and I appreciate all the things unique to it, so it's definitely worth a check to see if you're interested or not!