Log Status






Time Played

29h 0m

Days in Journal

14 days

Last played

June 1, 2024

First played

May 1, 2024

Platforms Played


A cute collectathon with a dopamine-centric gameplay loop to be sure. I instinctively tried to maximize each dive by going over the weight limit each time, thinking that sort of effectiveness would turn up a boon sooner or later. Can't say that it did. Getting struck to death by a predatory fish out of nowhere with a full inventory hurt. I end up despising the compulsion that drove me to maximize, thus despising the game, maybe? It's unfair of me, and I should've just put the game down. Instead, I forced myself through it.

I liked the sprite work, and the expressive characters, though they didn't do much of a story with them. Some of the references were funny, but there was kind of a lot of them. I ended up muting the soundtrack a lot or putting on my own, as its repetitions started grating on my ears. I think a good soundtrack could've alleviated some of my gripes here and, I don't know, allowed me that zen collectathon headspace I was after...