This is the worst game I've played in my life.

Oh, before any Sonic fan says it by the way, the PS2 version isn't why I didn't like the game. I only ever had framerate issues on the first level and the multiplayer.

Everything about this game is a disaster. From the story, to the graphics, to the controls, to the level design, to the missions, to the hilariously unfinished multiplayer.

The story exists to retcon stupid crap into Sonic Adventure 2 and to be overly "edgy". This is sprinkled with the delightful multiple path system where the endings are extremely similar and the levels/cutscenes rarely connect into eachother. The graphics are ugly and look extra bad when contrasted with all the reused models from Sonic Heroes.

Shadow controls like he's on ice, the level design is bland at best and labyrinthean at worst, it even reuses level design within the same levels too which is insane for a game made by supposedly competent developers. The missions consist of annoying chores that can sometimes take over thirty minutes to complete while you listen to the white noise this game calls music.

This game is just a total trainwreck, please don't play it, go watch some funny YouTube man play it if you wanna laugh at the occasional unintentionally funny parts of it.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2021

1 Comment

1 year ago
