Just to note, both times I played this game was as Megaman. Bass doesn't seem as fun so I haven't done it.

This is honestly a great game and doesn't deserve all the crap it gets, especially considering this is the same franchise as 9 and X6. The basic stages are honestly awesome and the boss fights are pretty fun with the notable exception of Dynamo Man and maybe Burner Man. They're all really creative and honestly not that hard I don't know why people say this game is unfair on Super Famicom, and this is on top of the great powers. The bolt shop and map of levels are great mechanics too.

This could have been one of my favorite Megaman games but what holds this game back is unfortunately the castle stages. The first one is fine but the second one is a guantlet of obnoxious bosses that is just unbareable, making for one of the worst stages in 2d platformer history, and the final stage is not much better. If you play this game, just stop after you beat the first King stage, you're not missing much.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2021
