The first game without the creator on board and a huge step down.

The first thing any Katamari fan will notice are the controls, which are different since the PSP obviously does not have two analog sticks. Thankfully, this can be ammended with the Vita version or an emulator, which makes it feel better even if it's obviously not as smooth as real dual analog. What's more annoying is that the new quick turn is really hard to get use to using and the dash lacks the fluidity of We Love Katamari's since it's used by spamming up on digital inputs. That being said though, it is playable, and I will defend the game on that.

That's not the big issue here though. It's the level design. This game has four unique main levels. Three for the super large stages are unique and the final stage's last part is also unique. The game mostly consists of different versions of these four maps with different objects, similar to Katamari Damacy, however just like that game it is pretty repetitive. Even more so this time though in my experience. By the end of the game, even for the specific versions of each stage I had played some of these over five times. It doesn't help that some of these levels have you play one level of each size except the final one too, so it just overall makes for an extremely repetitive game. The level design for the smaller stages is at least alright, but on the larger ones it honestly feels almost braindead since you start so large with no real threats to you. Especially the stages where you start at 10 meters.

This game is for fans only, otherwise, skip it.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2021
