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What a wonderful game. Truly an example of the phrase "less is more" with this one. Everything from the gameplay to the story and the sound design is done with the fewest possible pieces that result in a tightly wound 60 minute experience.

The platforming, puzzles and traps are introduced and then remixed throughout the game. The combat similarly only features a few enemies but each fight feels like a life or death ordeal rather than dispatching the 200th brainless guard, and every few levels it throws an extra twist at you, chief among them obviously being the creation of your doppelganger.

Visually the game is also limited to a few colors, but manages to create an imposing maze-like feel to the dungeons and the palace proper. Combined with the rotoscoped animations, it has a very distinctive look that also keeps the focus on the platforming and puzzle solving of each screen.

On the whole it's a very deftly put together experience that feels like one long action sequence that would go on to inspire a lot of other cinematic games.