2 reviews liked by Rahjun

Different from other final fantasy games and it's short for a jrpg. I liked it though. Very unique and the dialog is very interesting when driving. Loved driving around in this game. It is like hanging out with friends.

Played this game with a friend in online CO-OP in Nightmare difficulty. The first minutes were pretty fun of the game even with the average American hero dialogue that was pretty cringy and cheesy but after mid game it got very repetitive the enemies variety is always the same and enemies have huge health and once you get used to them it is easy but you waste so much time in battle and it makes it so boring. The story was mediocre all around the gauntlet and the dialogue as said before didn't really help. The combat mechanic are pretty fun but after some time it doesn't really hold the game up. The game has quite the amount of bugs, me and my friend had to restart the game a few times cause of them and they started appearing midgame at the same time that the fights started to get repetitive. Decent game if it had a different story to it and more variety in gameplay, it would most definitely be a hit.