2/3rds of Omori is a boring played out rpg. The sickly sweet pastel art style is certainly unique but also creates a bland tone throughout. Each individual dream section goes on for way too long with the characters just being uninteresting and the jokes never landing. I see people compare this to Earthbound but Earthbound was never this in your face or cutesy. Earthbound was always more weird then cute with the world being right hostile to the player. The monster designs, tone, and character driven comedy are more like Undertale then anything. Compare this to Undertale though and Omori just seems hollow in its dream worlds with how little story there really is. The RPG mechanics are simple and easily broken turning the game into a simple waiting game in every battle. The "dark" imagery is so overdone and shown so early that it rarely makes the impact it wants too. Especially when the imagery is ripped straight from Yume Nikki (there is even a section at the end which is just a simple Yume Nikki clones without the diversity of aesthetics that gave Yume Nikki its texture).

The rest of the game takes place in the real world and is okay. The writing hits the pathos it is supposed too and is generally understated (minus some annoying creepypasta tier bits). As these segments went on I actually became invested in the characters and thought the way the game handled grief and suicide was quite mature until it wasn't, and the game throws in easily one of the worst twists in a game. Its contrived, ruins many of the previous character moments, and does nothing but subtract to the story. As an exploration of mental health the story is weak covering well worn ground, adding very little, relies too much on shock value, and contains some bafflingly stupid commentary on suicide. Even in the small dirty puddle of gaming storytelling Omori does little to set it apart from countless other games which tackle similar subjects and seems to treat mental illness more as a spooky aesthetic then anything close to pathos by the end.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2021
