Similar to FF7R Bayonetta 3 tries to reinvigorate its series by adopting the multiverse and metatextuality from American super hero event comics, but without the wide cast of characters, decades of history, and strange plotlines which can add a dash of intrigue to a comic gimmick which too often chases sales at the expensive of good story telling.

The multiverse of Bayonetta 3 is laughably uncreative and small: you know its bad when an MCU movie like Dr. Strange 2 contains more creativity then it. The alternate universe Bayos have only the outline of a character and remind me of the kistchy DC elseworlds line whose creativity extended to what if Batman was a pirate? What if Batman was a Cowboy? Or what if Superman was Batman?

This generic premise could be excusable if Bayo 3 delivered on the action of its predecessors, but this game is too ugly, easy, and neutered to even hold a candle to the production values of Bayonetta 1. The near constant diversions from combat reach a fever pitch here not helped by the fact that a not a single one is good. There is also a new, obnoxious character to play as; who despite having multiple levels to herself only gets one weapon and one demon summon. This could be okay in a vacuum but Viola's different witch time timing means every stage with her fucks with your bayonetta muscle memory and just makes me wish I was back playing Bayonetta herself.

Everything here is a shallow recreation of its predecessors even down to the actual scale of the action itself. The climax kills are no longer violent and elaborate finishers but things as generic as lasers, punching, biting, and other normal demon slave attacks. The Bayonetta 1 bayonetta at the start dies by simply covering her in rubble which is how the main villain continues to try and kill Bayonettas. One of the big epic demon summon bosses involves you shooting bubbles at a boss. Its all just so lame and disappointing.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

There’s some spelling errors if you want to try and fix those:

“the fact that a nota single one”
“who despite having multiple levers to herself”