When I saw this game announced I was confused because it just looked like Katamari but without the sense of scale or challenge that makes those games satisfying. Nearly every level is the same ending with you eating up a building and some big rocks all with no time limit, fail state, or complex control. There is never any escalation or challenge like Katamari. "Well there has to be some sort of gimmick which reveals the game is deeper then it appears" well the rub turned out to be very easy puzzles and "humor" that amounts to every character talking like they are on twitter lol. There is also some very vague and genetic satire towards business at the end which makes it a genius critique of capitalism or some shit.

On the positive side the music is nice and the raccoons were pretty funny. The game kinda fucks up its anti capitalism by making the capitalists raccoons (cool and cute) so i naturally want to side with them.

Reviewed on May 13, 2023
