You can just tell how much of this game was butchered to force it into a co op campaign. Excessive amounts of ammo and health so both players have enough? Check. Constant enemy spam so both players have enough to shoot? Check. Barely any hit stun to balance having two players shooting? Check. Nerfed Tk and stasis to counter out two players having such abilities? Check. Tedious puzzles that have to running across big ass rooms to hit two switches conveniently on both sides? Check. Bloated and repeated side content so you and your buddy don't blaze through too fast? Check. If you are playing this by yourself then you are left with a very easy action TPS where you shoot circles around enemies with OP custom guns, have a safe full of health, and occasionally die when you get cornered as if you get cornered during an enemy spam wave all you can do solo is spam health and shots and hope you out resource the enemies.

The story is little more then a string of action movie clichés and platitudes wrapped up in a very stupid love triangle which doesnt get "dead space-y" until like the last third even the enviroments which were a strong point in DS1 and 2 are too copy pasted to be really engaging here.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2023
