Very solid game, with a few caveats. After having completed Roadwarden on its middle "standard" difficulty, I'd highly recommend playing on easy/casual. Standard doesn't change much except add a 40 day time limit to your game, something I personally hated.

Easy recommend if you're okay with reading a lot. Pixel art is gorgeous and goes great with the presentation, soundtrack is great though the limited track selection did start to grate towards the end of my playthrough. Very interesting world built entirely through dialogue in a way that feels natural.

Really my only complaint is the time limit. It sucks, and I ran into it hard at the end of my playthrough, rushing through the last couple quests I wanted to complete and running out of time anyway. Time pressure in the game is otherwise almost non-existent and the time limit feels tacked on to add some kind of urgency to a game that is otherwise pretty relaxed. This feels strongly like a game that wants you to take your time and really dig into it, and the time limit feels so completely at odds with the rest of the game that I have to wonder why it was included. It genuinely feels like it ruined my playthrough and retroactively soured a lot of my time with the game, and if I'd had the option to turn it off in the final stretch I would have done so without a second thought.

Despite this really long rant about what a pain the time limit is, I strongly recommend Roadwarden. Despite selling itself as a dark fantasy game it neatly dodges many of dark fantasy's pitfalls, presenting a world that, while harsh and unforgiving, has bright spots of humanity that are a real joy to explore and interact with.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Great review and thanks for the heads up regarding the time limit and that you can circumvent it by playing on the lesser difficulties.