Thief Gold 1999

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Time Played

2h 30m

Platforms Played


I'm not gonna play this game anymore because it's simply not for me with its jank, puzzles and some non stealth sections. The second mission was good and I could've accepted till then but the third mission, seriously? It's a literal tomb that I'm going to steal from and I didn't sign up for that, I thought this was a stealth game not a tomb raider kind of game so yeah I'm just gonna stop playing the game, maybe I'll come back one day but I don't think I will because it doesn't align with my tastes. I love stealth games and solving STEALTH puzzles, not puzzles in general like a door to a tomb or something.

Rant over, now, if you like stealth games and really like sneaking and also doing a little of tomb raiding, then you'll absolutely love this game. What is undeniable is the sheer amount of stuff you can do in it, the maps are so big that it's dizzying at times and I was scared of stopping a mission midway so that I don't forget the mental map I had. This game tests your senses and allows you to be creative in numerous ways and rewards you with an ultimately very satisfying gameplay. Just because the tomb raiding isn't what I want doesn't mean you won't like it, it's pretty dang cheap so you should most definitely go give it a shot.

I was reminded of Splinter Cell by this game and that means that Splinter Cell was clearly inspired from the breakthroughs in the genre this game made. So I applaud the devs for it, I'm rating the game purely on my experience till the second level and deducting 0.5 stars because of the third one. It is a good game at the very least and an excellent game for most. Music slaps, graphics look okay, sound design is top notch, gameplay is cool af (though admittedly the combat is kinda bad for me, but if you liked skyrim's combat you'll like this one too i think) and map design is phenomenal(ly confusing).

Okay, editing this after a week or so, I've played it again, same as before I loved the first 2 missions, hated the third one and played the fourth one. I think I see why people liked this game but I usually like playing games on hard and this game, bruhh just nope. I ain't doing it. The next mission is "Thieves' guild" and most people seem to hate it so I'm scared of playing that. But yeah after Assassins I understood that mainly it was playing on Hard that was an issue I think. Anyways, the rating goes up from 7/10 to 8/10, I enjoyed Assassins even though the first part was annoying sort of, it must've been revolutionary back then cus nearly every assassin's creed has it lmao. Really dig the game, just think it's a tad bit annoying at times with its complete openness requiring a walkthrough at points like the Mystic soul in third mission or the bloody silver poker in Assassins. I had found the secret library thing as well but not the poker. I hate secrets and weird ahh challenges so that's just me. My tiny brain can't handle this game. You might have fun though so it's definitely recommended. I really liked this for the most part so a very enjoyable experience overall just that some slight jank and annoyances take away from the great experience I was having. Guards sometimes hone in on you like a missile and that's just plain unfair when I'm hiding behind a wall, they're already mad cus of the alarm and then in some loads of the same scenario they stay static and in some they come at your exact direction even if you're hidden behind a wall and they couldn't see you. Weird AI a lot of the times. But still that ain't the issue for me, the problem for me are the objectives themselves and scenarios still. Assassins is a good mission but the poker thing come on 😭. Maybe it's because I'm a zoomer or something idk but I have played some old games and yeah I did see walkthroughs a little but come on, Silent Hill 2 is too good yk. Anyways rant over, sorry Thief fans. If anyone even remotely likes the idea of stealth, sneaking, puzzles and tomb raiding then this game is for you.