1 review liked by Raynesword

The kind of game you never really finish. You just walk away for a while and come back knowing you have a lot to learn all over again. It keeps feeling like a new game with more things to find every time I pick it up again. It'll be shelved from time to time, but I'll never abandon it.

It makes you feel the isolation of never finding another living person, the desperation of watching your wood supply burn away as the wind rages on, the euphoria of figuring something out and surviving something risky. It's a deceptively complex game with simple goals: don't starve, don't die of thirst, don't freeze. There's no hand holding, there isn't even a tutorial. Things are intuitive enough that it isn't really necessary. There's a thriving, welcoming community to help you out if you get stuck. Highly recommend if you need to burn through a few hours.