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15. June 2023

I like time travel stories but gameplay-wise Zero Time Dilemma was just too ... annoying in my opinion...
Highlight for me was the second Ending I got: D-End 2~ I was shipping Sigma and Diana and for that I was very happy ^-^
(My first Ending was the CQD-End 1 btw XD At first I said "I get an ending with credits so the game is finished for me" but naaah, that would be too mean towards the person who recommended the game to me ^^)

Sigma, Diana and Carlos were my faves from the start! The other ones ... didn't really care much about them so I mainly played with Team D.

✦ʚ❤ɞ✦•│𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 / 𝐁𝐆𝐌
Average. Some songs/sounds repeated too quickly within the same loop. Otherwise it was ok.

The escape rooms were the best part and I had the most fun with it. Buuut I had two bugs with some puzzles were the game doesn't recognize the right puzzle answer. That cost me a lot of time and nerves because I tried a bunch of other answers until I finally googled and found out about the problem with the bugs...
That should not be happening in a game were puzzles are essential for game progress ><

Other than that the game was more like a movie with those 15+ minutes long cutscenes where characters just stand and talk or sit and talk. That was one thing which annoyed me more and more everytime I resume to play the game. The other thing was the flow chart. I mean, the basic flow chart would have had been enough to navigate through the story but what was that crap with the other "modes" you could switch between (for example the one which showed the connecting-cutscene pictures)? I never used oder needed them and it was just hella confusing the first time to navigate through all this and what the hell I should do with it.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
