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This game is incredibly, incredibly "fine," more fine than any other LAD game I've played. It doesn't have any of the highs that say, an entry that Y2 or Y6 has, but its mostly absent of any lows that those games have. The game's story was just very fine, and lacked some of the hype from previous games; I just had a hard time believing that there were actual stakes in any of the fights, if I'm being honest. Maybe its because we've seen Kiryu kick so much ass to this point, or that we knew that Kiryu has to make it through this one, or because its insanely easy to make Kiryu turbo overpowered if you just do the side content, even on hard mode. Of course, it doesn't make the game bad; I think the absurdity of the upgraded agent style is hilarious, and the side content, as always, is generally enjoyable, and the game's ending has some good scenes mixed in, I just find that the game wasn't enough about the ending and felt more like a game that should've been an infinite wealth expansion pack than a game. Despite all that I, the game is still good, maybe only cause of how sucked in I got into the side content as much as it retreads old stuff. The characters we meet are also decent, but Akame in particular stands out from the bunch and is the game's spotlight. Just be warned that if you're one of the people that just plows through the main story... you won't be here very long. I had like over 40 hours in this game, and barely any of it was spent on the main narrative. Also, on a personal note, the game failed to address my biggest problems with Y6 and its treatment of Haruka, but I guess that's on me for expecting that to be addressed.

Short version: Fine game, isn't gonna rock you off your socks, Y5 still should've been the last Kiryu game.