This game is still a work in progress, but as someone who loves horror and deep lore, this game is giving me lots of dopamine hits. I don't wanna say too much, you should really play the game for yourself. You can play it any time on your browser (which is insane for the quality).

Will write a full review once completed.

"Keep going, keep going, your good your good....annnnd stop! Don't worry Captain, we'll buff out those scratches!" -my internal monologue after ramming my spaceship into a planet at mach 10.

This game is AMAZING. I really don't wanna say anything about it. Please play this game completely blind. It is a masterpiece.

Friend: "So I got this helmet and staff from a literal god of lightning, how much can you give me for it?"
Merchant: "About tree fiddy."

Genuinely the BEST horror game I have ever played in all me life. It is a travesty that there is no PC port or easily accessible way to play this game outside of emulating. Also Ps2 copy broke a while ago so...pretty please port?

Saw 3 (2006): 55 minutes and 59 seconds timestamp

This was not my first Fallout experience, but it is probably my favorite overall. It's really difficult to pick a favorite between Fallout, Fallout 2, and New Vegas. However, I've always found myself drawn towards the first game for a multitude of reasons. The first is I believe the first Fallout has the best overall story and progression of any of the games. While there's not a plentitude of factions like in New Vegas, there are still many different choices to be made that will greatly impact the sort of ending you get in this game. I also feel that the main antagonist in this game is the most unique and interesting one's I have ever seen, Fallout or otherwise. While it definitely doesn't feel as smooth to play anymore, this game is a true classic, and deserves the time of day for any RPG or CRPG fan. If you've never played either of the two CRPG Fallout games, I would definitely give them a chance.

Bro just eat a SANDWICH

This is a fun little horror puzzle game. It's a little bit short, but that didn't really bother me. One thing this game does very well is atmosphere. The set pieces you find yourself in all felt very well made. The game can feel a tiny bit clunky at times, but nothing too horrendous. If you got a couple hours of free time, this may be worth checking out!

I write this review with multiplayer in mind, preferably with friends. This game solo would more than likely receive a lower score.

Holy shit man, this is by far the best of these types of co-op horror games out there. It is hard to remember the amount of consistent fun I have had with a game like this. In fact, I don't think I ever have. Something like Phasmaphobia is fun for the first couple of hours, but I have around 15 hours logged of this game with my friends, and we're still having a blast. Please check this game out, it is both hilarious and horrifying. Best experienced if you and your friends go in completely blind. I'm really excited to see what the dev(s) of this game have in store for the future.

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I get it! It's Little Nightmares II because there are two of them now!!!!

I might get some flack for this, and I definitely am in the minority opinion here, but I just didn't really like this game compared to the first. There's plenty of good here though. The atmosphere in this game is really stellar, even more than the first game. The environments are great and I truly am unnerved in each and every one of them. terms of gameplay I really don't like this game, the small segments of "combat" specifically. The controls for attacking the weird hands or doll children just felt plain bad and completely unnecessary. At one point I was just stuck trying to kill like 5 doll children in a row, and I kept dying. Instead of spawning me back where I pick up the weapon, it spawned the middle? I had to run back and grab the weapon every time I failed, which was very tedious. It really feels like this combat was thrown in at the last minute. Without getting too detailed, there were other segments that felt very unpolished/buggy, such as the "Weeping Angels" segment. Many times my flashlight would directly be on one, and it would move to kill me anyway? Idk, maybe this is just a skill issue. Maybe one day I'll return to this game and I'm not completely abandoning it, but for now I have no desire at all to play it and it's shelved.

Stop licking the walls to track the monster, what the hell.

This game simply asks too much of what I want out of a game right now. It seems like it has a lot going for it, but I simply don't have the desire to grind monsters for upgrades. I also get extremely frustrated by the combat in this game for whatever reason. Maybe this is a Fromsoft game thing where I need to let it sit on the shelf, and try it again someday.

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I'm afraid.....I may never play a game of this caliber again.

Wow, wow, wow. This was a game that I have been told to play for a very long time. I played Red Dead Redemption 1 a loooong time ago on my 360, and I remember really enjoying it. However, I was always too busy with other games to sit down and play 2. I'm so incredibly glad I finally decided to sit down and play this masterpiece, and I don't use that word lightly. This game hits all points I love in a game in such a great way: world, real feeling characters, compelling story, and fun gameplay. It really is all there, but I want to make a specific point on how great the characters are. Arthur Morgan may be the single greatest protagonist I have encountered in gaming. I've never encountered a character who felt so incredibly real and human. From his journal, the random grunts or things he quietly says to himself, and of course the impactful moments he has. This character truly is a treasure. I was afraid to play this game for so long because I remember John Marston being such a great character. I still love John, but Arthur Morgan IS that guy. I pity anyone who doesn't play as high honor Arthur, because it was such a treat to play and watch.

Another great character I didn't expect to enjoy watching so much was Dutch Van Der Linde himself. I have vague memory's of Dutch from RDR1, but from what I remember he is sort of just the big bad of the game, and while he has some individuality in that game, this game really does the justice of how he ends up the way he does. Countless times playing this game I was bouncing back and forth between "he's always been unhinged" and "times are changing him". It really is masterclass character writing. I have such a higher appreciation for the character now, and I hope one day I can replay RDR1 with this game now in my brain.

Please give this game a chance, it really is such an experience and something special. The game is a slooooow burn at first. It may take some time for it to hook you, but give it the chance to. Once it hooked me, it was all over. I promise you will start to look at games differently after you experience Red Dead Redemption 2.