This game took everything good about the first game and improved it, while taking everything bad about the first game and fixed it. It is so easy to see where you are in the sequences and what you need to do next, the maps are easy to read. Combat is fun and engaging, you can upgrade a lot more, the setting is amazing with it being Renaissance Italy. I could go on and on about all the things this game gets right.

I will stick to the best parts though, and that is by far Ezio and his story. He is such an engaging and charming protagonist you grow to love him very quickly, and all side content really helps to flesh out his character. He always has fun or meaningful interactions with the other characters, and the moments with his mother and sister are always very nice. Following his story of revenge, progressively getting more matured and humbled along the way is great to see. It has a great ending and it is so fun watching him become a master assassin. Also his friendship with Leonardo da Vinci is great.

Modern day story also starts off strong and finishes strong, even though the parts in the middle don't feel like anything too special. It's never too much. Although the dream sequence in modern day was very cool.

All in all it is a very strong game with a beautiful setting and very fun gameplay to accompany an amazing story.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2024

1 Comment

4 months ago

In this game I would be so excited to unlock a sword and solve a puzzle about albert einstein. Not in any of the AC games after this. What happened? Sad!