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1 day

Last played

September 1, 2023

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After 80 hours and nearly a month of playing, I'm happy to say Baldur's Gate 3 is one of my favorite games of all time.

This is easily one of the most immersive RPGs I've ever played, filled with so many fun and varied dialogue choices, battles, combat, honestly just everything. 5E is a pretty fun system for a game like this and especially near the end I felt like there was a lot of cool strategy to be had, and I loved gathering new equipment and making my party totally badass.

The companions are so well written, I love pretty much every single one and while not all of them are immediately likable from the start and some have opposing viewpoints, they're all so fun and well-acted and I enjoyed talking to all of them (My party at the end of the game was Karlach, Gale, and Shadowheart but I did most of the character quests).

The villians in this game are quite good as well and I really enjoy the way they all tie together and even into some of the companion storylines, with some incredibly memorable boss fights and mechanics even if some of them were a bit easy.

The only thing I don't really like about this game is how initially horny the companions are ,but I feel like once you tell them to screw off the game gets much less extreme. I feel like the way this game handles romance could be a lot tighter, but I personally don't do much with romance in RPGs so I just say "No thank you" and move on.

Act 3 also has some noticeably buggy stuff as well as some cut content, but I still think what we got was excellent and I felt very happy with the ending of the game, the final 3 or 4 hours is absolutely awesome.

I also loved how most of the returning characters from the original games were handled, I felt like other than one, they were pretty respectful to the older games and I loved having Minsc and Jaheira back in the fray.

I'm hoping we get to see some expanded content, with a bit of cut content restored as well as maybe some extra companions (lack of shorty companions makes me very sad!!! I would also appreciate one or two more evil companions.) But overall I'm extremely happy with Baldur's Gate 3 and I will be revisiting it over it's updates for many many more playthroughs!

10 Miniature Giant Space Hamsters/10