Fun bullet hell game I enjoy to play time to time whenever I get bored and have nothing else to do.

I was excited for this game to come out because of the hype the people gave it but then I remembered I usually find these games to be boring but what really took it away was having to wait actual days and times for things to be finished

Good game, Very difficult game but not a frustrating difficult. Although you may rage a lot and get upset most of the deaths and loss you can find yourself reasoning with which is really surprising considering a lot of games now


I absolutely adore this game. I have always loved this game since I was younger and when it first came out along with the many characters and the music with it
This game will always have a place in my heart in which I made the majority of my friends with interacting with the community

I actually really enjoyed this game and love the side-scrolling and the drums.
A really cute small rhythm game anyone can play

My cousin got this game for me and I enjoyed the premise of the game.
Moving along to the beat and fighting through dungeons while also being very similar to a rogue-like games makes it very fun to me and somewhat addicting

This game was amazing, I remember playing this game when I was younger and enjoying it but always being stuck on the final boss and using up all my energy.
I come back to the game on the switch and it felt like the best way to play with the comfort of being able to hold a controller and being able to press buttons for attacks.
It doesn't take long until the game starts to feel super smooth and fun after playing for a while

I'm sure its a great game and I love yugioh but I have only watched the classic yugioh and idk what the hell a xyz summon is

I love the concept and premise of this game.
Being able to slash the blocks with swords to the music has always been satisfying to me and a very addictive experience