It really takes a lot of dedication and passion to create a game of this caliber that understands everything that makes Yakuza/Like a Dragon as a series work. Through all the many highs and lows I experienced with this franchise, countless hours, days, even months I spent engrossed in the stories, grinding the completion, experiencing every single activity these games has to offer, this game made me reflect on every detail in this journey and cherish them, this was truly something special.

Undoubtedly this is not a perfect game for everyone, its easily one of the longest game in the series and with that brings drawbacks such as pacing issues, not every character having equal screen time, if you dislike the classic Yakuza/LAD wackiness I doubt this game is gonna change your mind, its also most likely going to be one of the harder games to revisit and only time will tell how good this game will age as a whole. Despite all that, if you are a long time fan of the franchise, I'm sure there will be something worthwhile you obtain from this story.

Everything great about 7 is elevated to new heights here, the combat is improved with much needed added depth and fluidity. The music is of course consistently great and the characters introduced such as Tomizawa, Chitose and Yamai are easily some of the best characters this franchise has to offer. Hawaii is an absolutely incredible setting, vibrant, colorful and tons of fun to lose yourself in. Dondoko and Sujimon have enough depth to be considered a whole ass separate game but the madlads incorporated it as a side activity that you could entirely skip. This game triumphs every other game in the series outside 5 and maybe 0 in terms of ambition and scale

"Kiryu Kazuma never walked the easiest path"

This game was of course going to be the Kiryu game and seeing the credits roll to this game, finally witnessing the sendoff of one of my favorite fictional characters of all time is definitely an indescribable feeling, one that makes me emotional and tear up thinking about. This game is everything I wanted coming into this and saying they were well met would be an understatement to how I really feel. I love Like a Dragon and for whatever plans RGG studios do have next, I'll be there no matter what..

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
