Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate this game.

It is everything I hate about what EA did to Bioware crystalized into one video game.

The quests are every bit as bad as those of a bad MMO. They are literally just go do X thing Y amount of times or go to X place and pick up Y item, both with about a one line "story" justification.

The gameplay is atrocious. It is just walk from A to B in an map that lacks any interactivity until you encounter some enemies and the atrocious combat can begin.

The combat is awful. The "tactical" view is hilariously useless and borderline unusable due to being so atrociously slow and not at all designed for a mouse and keyboard and the action combat is terrible too. It is literally just 'hold down the attack button until one of you skills has recharged and repeat'. Timing, dodging, tactics? Yeah no, we don't have that here. There isn't even proper impact or weight to the attacks. It really feels like an abortive attempt overall.

The story and characters are both insufferable. This really feels like they wanted to force Dragon Age to become like the Avengers. At least the writing feels like a piss-poor Joss Whedon imitation (who can already be quite insufferable) and thanks, I hate it!

What I liked most about the first game is how understated and mature it felt despite the grand battles and schlocky premise. This game doesn't even trust you to correctly guess the tone of a dialogue option so it has little portraits so you don't get too confused.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is a minimal viable product of a RPG. It really feels like a prototype stretched out over 50 hours. That this was ever considered 'Game of the Year' is honestly beyond me.

Reviewed on May 27, 2024
