3 reviews liked by Remina

This is what football games should be more like

Phantom Liberty is not just more of everything that was already good about the main campaign, it also delivers almost everywhere that the main game faltered and more.

It is better written and paced, it has better characters, has better gigs and side-stories with more interesting choices and unique presentation. Dogtown is physically smaller than other districts of Night City but it is far more dense with content, and has an identity that is unique from the rest of the city.

I considered talking about the gameplay more because there are some neat additions here but I feel like that really is just beating around the bush; what this expansion really offers is the single most compelling narrative experience set in this universe yet.

Solomon Reed, So Mi Songbird, President Myers, Colonel Hansen, these are the names you will learn and that you will remember for years to come after playing through this expansion. If you already like the base game then you owe it to yourself to experience this; if you don't, hell, go watch your favorite streamer play through it, just don't miss it.

This expansion is as integral to the Cyberpunk 2077 experience as Artorias of the Abyss was to Dark Souls and The Old Hunters was to Bloodborne. You are not done with Cyberpunk 2077 until you have played through this.

This game was made for the PSP and it shows. I played it on the PS2 and it looks terrible due to a low fps consitently. The clank sections are slow and painful to play at points. the story is interesting and its not hard to replay, but dont even try to do the achivements