I've only just been getting into the From Software games after years of avoiding them due to the horror stories of how challenging they are. After "Elden Ring," I decided to pick up "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" and while the combat system and difficulty are more advanced, I found the game to be extremely fun and satisfying. The world design and enemies are awesome, there is a pretty cool story that you don't need to read hours of lore to understand, and the boss fights are challenging and intense, yet extremely rewarding once you memorize the attack patterns. It's a difficult game, but it has one of the best combat systems I've encountered so it's worth spending the time retrying boss encounters and learning the mechanics. There's really nothing like it. Don't be afraid to give it a try, I'm a From Software noob and even I was able to "git gud."

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2024
