This is possibly the worst game I have ever played, and was a holistically terrible experience. Do not play this.

Edit: I was unaware of the ability to turn off encounters and speed up levelling when I initially made this review. This doesn't feel like the "intended" way to play the game but I also cannot deny these are, factually speaking, improvements. I would still recommend this game to absolutely no one, I think even with these improvements the bones of the game are still entirely rotten. The story has as little to offer as the first game with 3x the runtime and dungeons are littered with empty rooms there for the sole purpose of wasting your time and throwing you into 4 more encounters for little to no purpose. The levelling system being unique to weapons individually could be interesting if there were any clear feedback on whether or not your weapon proficiency was actually getting any stronger, considering the exp bar doesn't actually move half the time. For some unholy reason they also made this system apply to spells, meaning every individual spell requires being grinded up to make it at all useful, which also means any spells you obtain past a certain point are functionally useless to bother improving because everything before it is so much better for how much you've already put into them.

This is all to say, the improvements made in the remaster help SOME, but playing the game in the intended, default fashion as many people would is an absolute trudge through a swamp that feels like it will never end. I'll bump the score a bit from my original but this is still just bad.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2024


4 months ago

You uh.. you finished it?

4 months ago

out of garden of banban and final fantasy 2 I can confirm ff2 is the worse of your completed games.

4 months ago

I mean, did you play the original or the Pixel Remaster? Because I think the remaster makes it a lot better. You can turn off encounters when you've had enough, speed up leveling to skip grinding, you can even change between the original and new music. It's much better than the original in that sense, certainly worth more than half a star.

4 months ago


I played the remaster, unaware of of the modifiers in the config. This review was made for the game I played and it unfortunately wasn't good. I'll definitely bump the score because these are for sure noted improvements but honestly doesn't change my personal feelings on the game much considering many of my problems don't stem solely from the systems themselves but rather the implementation. You are absolutely right that it is an improvement on the original, if that's basically what I played, and I can adjust accordingly.