Roblox 2006

Log Status






Time Played

100000h 0m

Days in Journal

21 days

Last played

May 27, 2024

First played

November 2, 2014

Platforms Played


I've been playing this since 2014 when I was 11 years old.
I'm currently 20 and Roblox is still something I play from time to time. It is one of my favorite games and/or engines, but since 2020 hit a lot of players came to the site and it got filled and I mean FILLED with cashgrab games.

Roblox Updates have made the site worse and worse, making it so finding actually good games is harder than ever. Before, you could search by using tags, now only by name and the only way to find good games is to have friends with experience and stalk their profiles. Recently played and favorited games, etc.

ROBLOX is something that I play for atleast a bit everyday.
I love the concept of "every game can be multiplayer" as it allowed developers to build incredibly interesting games or "experiences" as they call it now.

Huge hit or miss, thankfully you can just hop into another game which is why roblox is good but due to the amount of cashgrabs made in current years and the site owners encouraging those tactics, I can't give this a five star.