Pikmin 2 is a great game that I sadly didn't enjoy more than the previous game but the opposite.
One of the things I adored from Pikmin 1 was the puzzle aspect it had in how you approached the treasures, but 98% of Pikmin 2's puzzles only require you to have the right color/amount of pikmin and it's just not an approach I enjoy.
Pikmin 2 focuses a lot more on combat rather than exploration, with randomly generated dungeons that made such a personal little game feel.. synthetic.

The first game had this personal connection with the Pikmins where Olimar wrote daily about his thoughts. Talking about his family, fears, hopes and dreams... on the meantime, Pikmin 2 at the end of the day gives you an email from your family! But it's usually stuff like "waah waah there's a fly on my soup" and it's just so dissapointing. Thankfully there's the piklopedia for both enemies and treasures which really add up a lot to the game, but Pikmin 2 really just feels like a joke in comparison to the first game.

Speaking about jokes, in Pikmin 1 you could analyze the scenario first before entering into battle, meanwhile Pikmin 2 has events that will trigger if X happens. If the captain walks by, if a pikmin walks by, if a pikmin with a treasure walks by, and others related to digging and it's just so fucking annoying because you could of have cleared an entire level just so see a random bomb rock drop from the sky and kill your Pikmins. I don't mind deadly hazards, but when everything is randomly generated and the right way to play it is to start a cave, drop all pikmin and go with just one to do all triggers before playing it's just.. boring. To me, Pikmin was never about the combat so having a game that is dedicated to that it's just.. ugh

The bosses were really enjoyable and dangerous, the captain mechanic that incites you to multitask is great and the new pikmin types are adorable yet very useful. It made me really sad that Yellow pikmins cannot use bomb rocks anymore, but that's just a minor nitpick.

The main objective of the game is also incredibly dissapointing because it's just.. get money. There's no sense of progression like there was in Pikmin 1 and the main levels were just recycled from the first game. I don't care about recycling, but when the new content is randomly generated.... yeah....

I feel like Pikmin 2 is a game I will love once I played through them all because it's BIG like.. really big! and has the potential for "endless" fun that's also different, but if I'm fully honest, I felt let down when I played this.
I ended up beating it with a coop mod with a friend because I was pretty much about to quit and if it wasn't because of them, I don't think I would of have beated this game simply because I wasn't enjoying it enough.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2023
