Pikmin 2

Pikmin 2

released on Apr 29, 2004

Pikmin 2

released on Apr 29, 2004

In Pikmin 2, Captain Olimar returns to the planet he was originally stranded on, to collect trinkets for his failing company to sell back at home. The game features a 2-character mechanic, which allows players to switch between two spacemen while collecting items. Two-player co-op challenge missions and a competitive mode are also available.

Also in series

Pikmin Bloom
Pikmin Bloom
Hey! Pikmin
Hey! Pikmin
Issho ni Photo Pikmin
Issho ni Photo Pikmin
Pikmin 3
Pikmin 3

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Really just feels like needless overcorrecting of aspects that weren't problems in the first game. Didn’t particularly enjoy it, feels like Pikmin for people who hate Pikmin.

When is it that we can start considering Pikmin 2 a legal form of torture that one performs on themselves? As a sequel you’d expect it to build up on what made the original so frustratingly good and it does! It does both. Not only do you have to deal with new crazy enemies; but there’s shit like being squished by a giant spinning mother-thing that is also giving birth throughout the fight, getting chased and psychologically-tortured by some immortal water demon from hell, having to take cover from a robot opening fire at you non-stop plus LITERALLY being carpet-bombed and chased by giant spiders. WHO THE FUCK APPROVED THIS?!… That man deserves some sort of award, I don’t understand how it’s enjoyable to go through the equivalent of having your hand continuously hit by a rusty hammer. The game focuses on collecting items for money rather than to escape with your ship so you’d imagine that most of the time limit stress is thrown out the window (but don’t worry they make up tenfold with the game’s new addition), most of the first game’s jank is fixed and it’s a far more exquisite experience… That is until you enter the caves.

The caves might have genuinely been made by the antichrist and call me Mario but mama-fucking-mia they made these to kick our ASSES. They are randomly yet predetermined generated areas spanning many floors (which are each RNG-based); most have their own gimmick and are as a whole extremely addicting (think hard drugs). The dark humor returns and is extremely improved upon with the aid of Louie, Olimar’s fellow employee; if the caves aren’t made by the antichrist then he sure is, oh yeah we also got more Pikmin types (purple and bulbmin are all that matter tho). Unrelated buy weirdly enough always seeing this game at the store for the Wii (but never getting it) made me develop some sort of parasocial-Stockholm love for it. As a whole this is the greatest-worst experience I ever had, 10/10 would maybe not perhaps recommend.

I found the underground sections stressful and not fun, and that's what killed this game for me, tbh.

Brilliant follow-up to the original which I love so much.
I still highly prefer the original as it's shorter, a lot more chilled and the initial experience was incredibly enjoyable.
Pikmin 2 has a lot of additions, on paper they might seem like they made the game easier (e.g. removing the time limit, the addition of the Purple Pikmin) but I found this game to be quite harder than the original. More strategy is involved in this game, and everything is balanced perfectly, but I highly recommend playing all the way through the first game before attempting Pikmin 2.

This game utterly broke me, I finished out Wistful Wilds in only one session because I had thought "oh it's only three caves and five surface treasures, this'll be a piece of cake!" do not do this.

Guess who’s listening to My Chemical Romance again! Last time we saw Olimar he had barely escaped death and was on his way home. Unfortunately for Olimar he is a working class citizen with the biggest bum of all time for a boss. The moment he steps foot on his planet his boss sells all of his possessions and tells Olimar that they need to pay off 10,000 pikmin tokens of debt (yes I know it’s called pokos shut the fuck up bitch). Olimar has to go back to the planet he had just escaped from with fucking LOUIE of all people to go collect skippy peanut butter and 7-up bottle caps in order to pay off his company’s debt. Louie is our deuteragonist and he is a real time villain. We are all Louie, Louie encapsulates us all. We are all gluttonous, we all want to eat the Bulborb. Only Louie voices these thoughts however. He simply speaks the unspeakable. If I invested any points in intelligence I may be able to comment on the commentary Pikmin 2 makes on the capitalist society so many of us inhibit. How Olimar is expected to immediately go back to slaving the 9 to 5 we all know so well without even being able to see his family again, but I am stupid so we will be discussing how Olimar just hops into a cave and discovers purple pikmin. Purple Pikmin are big little dudes so to speak. The objectively best pikmin type ever known to man. They are as strong as a whopping 10 piklives, making short work of any opponent found in your way. Behind their silly little beady eyes, lies the heart and soul of a warrior. Behind that huggable frame lies someone who has seen the tragedy of war. (Also reset if any of them die you will need 100 of these big little guys in order to 100% the game) Pikmin 2’s gameplay is simple. You just go into caves, and you collect little trinkets. I don’t like caves but I do like collecting little trinkets! Olimar will make comments on every object you collect, nailing even more charm into a game that is brimming with it. While you no longer have a hard time limit, the day counter is still in Pikmin 2. While you could dislike the fact you can take your sweet, sweet time in this game as compared to pikmin 1, if we’re being honest no one has ever game over’d in pikmin 1. The day counter was a simple call to action to you, the player. Make sure the number of days you spent 100%ing this game was as small as you could possibly make it. There doesn’t need to be any hard punishment to make the day counter worthwhile, the fact it exists already gives its existence purpose. Tldr: Go fucking buy a purple pikmin plush dude your happiness will only prosper!