I have to start this review by saying I'm completely biased with this game. I'm a girl. A trans girl to be exact, so this game meant a lot for me.

I promise I won't delve a lot on gender outside this paragraph.
This game is focused on cisgender womanhood and puberty. Regardless, it's still womanhood. Societal norms and views of the gender are the same.
That awkward phase of being alone and shifting into adulthood as a girl it's always... well.. awkward-- and scary. Specially if you don't fully know who or what you are.
Many people consider this a "weak" entry, but I genuinely feel like it's a thing about gender. Not mysoginy, just.. different childhoods and societal norms. Silent Hill 2 clicks with guys a lot, Silent Hill 3 clicks with girls a lot, and for trans people it's usually both.

I used to think Silent Hill games won't get better visually (in terms of horror) after Silent Hill 1 due to the PSX aesthetics, but Silent Hill managed to do that while also keeping the beautiful character models of the PS2.

The soundtrack, the ambiance, the monster and level design is unnerving as fuck and I will never grow tired of it.

Reviewed on Jun 18, 2023


4 months ago

I’m happy this game connected with you so much on an emotional level. That’s pretty awesome. I’m playing through it now and i think it’s awesome so far. I just made it to the subway

4 months ago

nice! I really like the subway area, it's really creepy