3 Reviews liked by Renneaya

as soon as this game ended i went online and enlisted in the US army. no child will ever suffer like this again on my watch

So take the gameplay of Drakengard 1 and bump it up from bad to average, but also take the most interesting part of that game which was the insane story and make it boring, take all of the eccentric characters and make them standard rpg flavor with little to no personality, and you have this game here. It's bland as sand. I don't think the story is bad conceptually, it has a few good ideas, it's just really dull execution wise. When the only part of the game that got any emotional reaction out of me was seeing characters from the previous game show up and finish their own story arcs, that says a lot to me about how little I cared about anything happening in this story. I mean as a game, it's fine enough, it plays well, but as the years go on I have a feeling I'll remember very little about it, while there's no way I could forget its predecessor.

This game is absolutely insane. Everything and everyone is miserable, your character is a creepy invincible psycho, your party is filled with pedos and racists, nobody succeeds at anything, the music stinks, the color palette is several different shades of drab, the gameplay is mind numbing. Even though it's a bad game objectively, it was such an odd and unforgettable experience for me. I have no desire to ever play Drakengard again but I'm glad I did. Yoko Taro really came out guns blazing with this one.