Look, it’s rough around the edges, yes, but it’s just so much fun. I got to date HANGMAN ADAM PAGE IN THIS GAME. (Yes he did leave me for Thunder Rosa, but we’ll ignore that part). I really love how they handled Road to the Elite, it’s not too long to beat (which is refreshing compared to how long and dragged out WWE My Rise is) and it has some slice of life/management elements and it’s just so much fun! Learning about all the different food staples at the different restaurants, going on a date with Hangman Adam Page at said restaurant, getting booped by Kris Statlander, ya know? Is it buggy and unpolished? Yes. But did it make me somehow fall in love with AEW even more? Also yes.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2023


9 months ago

what does it mean when you backloggd a game? i'm new and idk what it means lol
@ItzCardinalYT it means that it’s a game that you own but haven’t played yet (or replayed if you want to go back to it)!