Alan Wake II continued with its psychedelic story revolving around Alan (he’s a writer) and a new protagonist named Saga that’s pulled into his drama. It improved on every aspect, firmly establishing itself more into the realm of survival horror. Darkly atmospheric, puzzles, and combat that felt satisfying, even challenging in a good way. This time around it wasn’t a near constant barrage of enemies in the woods, but rather it balanced out encounters in a number of interesting environments. Remedy’s love of music was also masterfully implemented—seriously, that chapter was excellent.

Now, as much as I liked Saga’s case board in the beginning, I found it dragged later on. I also couldn't help but get annoyed at the amount of times the words "horror story" was said throughout the narrative. Like, it was a lot. Other than those complaints, it was a worthwhile experience.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
