The main game is pretty easy, but it's still decently fun. The reversal of having Acura fake-out into Zonda as the final boss is pretty funny. There's not much story, but what is there is very poorly translated. I'm sure the awful translation quality is supposed to be an intentional joke, but "haha, look, the translation is bad, just like an NES game! Please laugh" simply isn't a funny joke.

A few of the DLC levels bosses are actually a decent challenge, though the stages are still aggravatingly easy, so it's a bit of a slog if you run out of lives at the boss fight and have to replay the level (I'm looking at YOU Elise).

Out of the characters, Gunvolt is the best. I've seen Ekoro, Gunvolt, and Beck labelled as easy, medium, and hard respectively, but this isn't in the game itself, and I don't know where this labelling actually comes from. In fact, I would actually argue that Ekoro is the hardest, since she deals less damage per hit than the other characters.

Each character essentially has one unique movement option and one unique attack. Gunvolt can double jump, Ekoro can float, and Beck has a "dash" (which is really more like the classic Mega Man slide). Gunvolt's double jump is by far the most useful here. I always complain about MM9 and 10 removing the slide from it's MC, but Beck's slide just feels like complete ass here. Ekoro's floating is neat, but it's not nearly as useful as Gunvolt's double jump.
Attack wise, Gunvolt has a beam that can move up and down, Ekoro has a charge attack that can charm enemies to use as a sort of turret, and beck has a charge attack that dashes into the enemy. None of these attacks are all that great, but Gunvolt's attack is at least useful in a few select situations for picking off enemies, so Gunvolt wins here too. Ekoro's attack is kinda gimmicky and not all that useful, and Becks attack just sucks. It only kills SOME enemies, and if it doesn't kill them, you take damage, and in general its just really unsatisfying to use. It kind of reminds me of how Samus Returns fucked up the Screw Attack, but at least that was still somewhat usable.
Ekoro can also shoot four shots instead of 3 (I guess to make up for her lack of damage) and Beck's shots are ever so slightly lower than Gunvolt's. I don't know why they did this, but it sucks. There's a bunch of enemies that you can hit from the ground as Gunvolt, that are now literally like 1 pixel above your shot, so it just goes under them. Gunvolt's shots will also hit things on the edge of a platform while Beck's won't. It's just REALLY aggravating to play as Beck, and I don't even understand what the purpose of doing this was.
I guess calling Beck "hard mode" is at least somewhat accurate, as he's technically harder than the others, but only in ways that make him less fun to play. Beck being the worst character in literally every aspect certainly doesn't inspire hope in the then upcoming Mighty No. 9! I can't believe they thought this was a good game to tide over kickstarter backers from the game's delay.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2023
