While this was meant to be a "special edition" release, it really wasn't much of an upgrade over the original Castlevania 64. The graphics might be a TOUCH sharper, but they failed to fix any of the camera or gameplay issues, unfortunately.

The main game focuses this time around on Cornell, a werewolf character who was supposed to be in the OG release. He was also supposed to be this bad ass martial arts character, who in development articles was stated to be able to pull off some cool acrobatic moves. And again, unfortunately, he can't do any of that. He can swipe his claws at this, and throw "energy waves". He can't even KICK, at least that I remember. His story is different from the base story the characters share in the original game, but not by TOO much. He does get his own unique stages that are new here, including a neat opening "sneaking into the castle via a derelict ship on the lake" area. But most of his adventure is comprised of the same levels, playing out in the same order. Though it IS worth pointing out, that without spoiling it, the Dracula fight in this game IS different, at least in the final form, than in the original.

You can still play Reinhardt and Carrie in this, they become unlocked after you beat it with Cornell. And they even included the 4th character that was originally supposed to be in the game, Henry, in a somewhat different (and arguably annoying) timed adventure.

All in all, it's the same basic game, just with more of the content it was originally meant to feature in the first place. It's STILL a solid game, and better than you've likely heard. Worth checking out, at any rate.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2022
