An ugly technicolor clunkfest with music that makes you feel like you're at your 6th birthday party in a ticket arcade that controls like you're Jill Valentine but for some reason can jump really high. If you had told me I'd really enjoy a platformer with tank controls, I'd have called you a liar, but here I am. This game is definitely not without its fair share of clunky doink, but keeping in mind that it's credited as the first 3d platformer, it plays remarkably well. Loved it.

Destroy all humans meets Dynasty Warriors. Lots of fun in little bursts on normal difficulty, but definitely more of a sweet treat than a meal. Everybody loves skittles, but they won't get you through a day of work at the coal mine.

The king of the cosmos smiles upon this game. Fr tho, this is a sensation, check it out.

Man I liked it, chaotic Japanese rhythm game nonsense at its wariowaresque weirdest. At times, a little frustrating, but it was definitely a skill issue. Attempting to play the incredibly broken PaRappa port for psp recently gave me a whole new appreciation for how tight this game is. This was fun to pick up and put down over the course of a couple months, and the story progression was engaging and rewarding enough that I felt compelled to finish it rather than letting it languish in the void of unfinished games that are fun, but not so gripping that i devote the entirety of my playtime to them. Worth a playthrough.

The first Zelda game I've ever pushed all the way through. The nonlinear approach allowed my adhd ass to tackle whatever I wanted when I wanted. I didn't 100% it and likely won't bother to do so, but I could see a revisit somewhere way down the road when my little guy is old enough to start playing games.