29 Reviews liked by Rianbowx

started when i was 11, still not done

If you have a PS5, play this game. Its so cute, and probably the most "Nintendo" game Sony has ever done, which is a VERY good thing. Can't wait for the full game they announced recently!!!

Una idea tan ambiciosa el combinar dos géneros tan únicos por si solos (plataformero + inmersive sim) que resulta en un juego casi irrepetible que lo demuestra su propia secuela. Mecánicas que no castigan al jugador ni cambian realmente la narrativa del juego (como un inmersive sim) pero con el suficiente encanto como para vivir la experiencia que hizo revivir a Oswald. Una pieza histórica muy extrañamente bonita.

Absolutely adored the original and this one is just as good if not better. The mechanics are definitely different which took some getting used to but being able to extend blue flame makes it all worth it. The visual upgrade is nice and they really nailed the feeling of going fast, I'm not sure if you actually move faster in the remake but it sure felt like it. The new graphics do reduce visual clarity on some tracks, like Hot Air Skyway having this fog that make its harder to see the upcoming track, but overall it was a pleasure to look at. Awful microtransactions aside, a great remaster.

jogo de maluco!! (jogo todo dia

peak, cause even my dumb apple macbook ass can enjoy it.

It's good. I just didn't had either the time or the motivation to finish it.

Not a bad game by any means but it failed to hook me until the end. I got bored and faded out eventually.

The craziest twist of the developing of the franchise I've seen probably ever.
After so opened "Snake eater" that included so many different possibilities, Kojima took the Snake into this not so gigantic game, that screams how it is made for portable console but thanks to that MGS revealed something amazing.
Beautiful cutscenes, made with Shinkawa artworks instead of classical rendered in real time with 3D model characters, thanks to that some fresh air have gotten into our lungs.
Also to not burn this little console the levels are split into these short missions, made specificly for quick rides to the work/school etc. This very feature presents how enjoyable, new ways are there to still explore, even in already known formula.
The GOAT. Do not let this miss you just because it's portable.

The fact this game fit on a PSP is still insane to me

This has always been one of my favorite games as a child to come back to and replay. But ironically I never beat this game. I was always stuck around the last couple of rounds.
Today the idea of playing this game again popped into my head and I downloaded it wanting to see if I could beat it in one shot. It was a gruesome three hours and there were so many close calls where I would have been so bummed if I failed. But at last for the first time in my life, I beat the game... well the story mode. The boss had like 5 phases... it was never-ending. Challenge mode? Umm I'm good.

This game is the pinnacle of adulthood

Un clásico de clásicos en los videojuegos a mi parecer. Una obra con una premisa simple pero con una caracterización tan carismática que no la olvidaré nunca; lo que trajo Pop Cap a la vida, justo cuando yo empecé a interesarme con pasión por los videojuegos, se quedará en mi corazoncito para siempre.
Divertido, simple y bien empacado de niveles, simplemente es una maravilla.