I mean, was it worth waiting 5 years for?

Yes. Absolutely.

Holy shit, this is peak.

This took everything the last two games did, and just improved on it.


The story is so goddamn engaging throughout, don't get me wrong it's not perfect, I have a couple of nitpicks but honestly I can completely look past them for the final product because goddamn.

The gameplay is the best it's ever been, from the web swinging being fine tuned to perfection and even further with the added web wings which makes it so satisfying to just go from Point A to Point B, to all the brand new combat abilities that truly make you feel like an overpowered superhero.

The customisation is on point. When they first revealed pallet swapping I originally thought, that's neat I guess but I probably won't use it but holy shit the absolute upgrade some of these suits get from a good pallet swap goddamn. My only complaint with the suits is that too many of Peter's suits are taken up by Movie suits, which kinda sucks when Miles has so many custom made suits that look absolutely fire, just making me wish Peter had even more ones like those instead.

All of the new side missions are great and fun and do surprising little things to spruce up your gameplay experience and give you interactions with surprising characters throughout the city that you may not of even thought about during the main story.

All of the boss fights are fucking nuts with insane set pieces throughout that makes every single one of them memorable, a huge improvement on the last two games.

I honestly can not sing this game enough praise. Insomniac have gone above and beyond to make this one of if not the greatest superhero games ever made. Obviously it's not completely perfect like I said I do have a couple minor issues. But as a whole this is just, wow. The only thing I can think of that would truly improve it, is a goddamn NEW GAME PLUS! Please guys stop releasing games without it

Goddamn round of applause. I am so excited to see what these guys do with Wolverine.
And of course, Spider-Man 3 when?

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
