This game is so ass lol.

The controls are ass
The level design is ass
The story is ass
The dialogue is ass
The boss fights are ass
The main villain is ass

Basically everything about this game is bad.

How did you manage to fuck up sonic's control THAT badly? You can't even go fast in most stages because of the god awful control and level design. You just end up flying off the stage. That's right you can't go fast in a sonic game. BRUH.

Why is classic sonic here? It's meant to be the same Sonic from Sonic Mania but I call bullshit because that Sonic handled beautifully whereas this once controls fucking terribly. How does he feel clunky and slippery AT THE SAME TIME????

Making your own avatar is kinda cool I guess but once again, they control terribly and you don't even play as them for half the game.

There is a total of ONE stage that I like in this game and that's only because it plays the games main theme which I quite like. By the way the game's "Main" theme plays, and I shit you not, TWICE throughout the whole game. BRUH.

Also every stage is so goddamn short. I will say I used to dislike this games soundtrack but I've warmed up to some of it, but the stages that do I have songs I like I can barely enjoy because that stages are SO GODDAMN SHORT.

All the boss fights are boring as fuck and half of them are just copy and pastes of each other. The final boss is also incredibly boring and ironically goes on for way too fucking long.

Speaking of length, I beat this entire game in UNDER 3 HOURS. THIS IS A MAIN LINE SONIC GAME THAT YOU CAN BEAT IN UNDER 3 HOURS. This was meant to be the next "Big" Sonic game. "So that was a fucking lie".

I actively dislike this game which is unfortunate because I do geniunly think there are some awesome ideas here. The war setting is a great idea that is executed poorly. There are good ideas in the story but all of which are execute VERY poorly. The avatar is a good idea but executed poorly. Some of the visuals and ideas for stage designs are really good but the actual level design you go through is executed VERY FUCKING POORLY, So many good ideas here that are just gone to waste and it sucks to see.

If you wanna take a course on bad level design and poor video game development. Play this game.

This is the reason this series gives me trust issues.

Reviewed on May 02, 2022
