Fuck me that's a dumb title. Even for Kingdom Hearts that's a weird one.

Anyway, game good.

This isn't like a proper game, it's more of a demo for Kingdom Hearts 3 if anything, it only takes around 2 hours to beat instead of, ya know, 30.

It's a nice short story that takes place during Kingdom Hearts 1, showing Aqua still stuck in the darkness after Birth By Sleep and how she's coping. I say nice but it's actually very depressing for a lot of it, until her BFF Mickey Mouse shows up of course. Also for anyone who's been curious since KH1, this game explains why Mickey is shirtless at the end of that game... for some reason. They actually added an in universe reason for him having his classic design. such a Kingdom Hearts thing to do.

The combat is awesome, I'm guessing it's basically just Kingdom Hearts 3's combat which gets me very excited. The combat is so damn fluid and flashy and same goes for all the magic. The regular menu comes back from KH2 so that's good as well as the surge forms from Birth by sleep, so it's a nice mixture.

The game itself looks amazing, the graphics are great and as I said all the attack animations are flashy af which makes them even more fun to do.

You stay on one world in this game but it's split into 3 areas, each one being one of three Birth By Sleep worlds that's been taken over by darkness and they're all actually really creative with some awesome changes to the layouts. Also the boss fights are pretty cool and the whole mirror thing in the dark version of Snow White's world was trippy af.

Also traversal is now amazing, you have so much freedom of movement. I really hope it stays the same in KH3.

Overall this is a neato side game. definitely worth playing if you're a KH fan but I wouldn't say it's necessary, but again it's only 2 hours long and especially you love Aqua and Mickey then yeah, play this.

Also you can give Aqua, Cat Ears... 'nuff said

All that's left is Dream Drop Distance. Then I can finally get to KH3 and FINALLY be fully caught up. Hella hype.

Reviewed on May 15, 2022
